
The Elders of Trinity Lutheran Church and School of St. Joseph are available to serve you and would like to hear from you! Please check below to see what Elder has been assigned to you alphabetically or feel free to contact the Elder of your choice!! If you have a question, concern, or just want to pass along an idea please contact an Elder in person, by phone, or e-mail. Please include in your message how the Elder can best respond to you. If you would prefer a phone call, please include the best time that you can be contacted.

  • Tim Jersey

    Serving families starting with BO - DA

    Address: 1886 Briarcliff Drive, St. Joseph, MI 49085

    (616) 218-3420; timjersey@yahoo.com

  • Steve Shuler

    Serving families starting with De to Fi

    Address: 3061 Royalton Heights, St. Joseph, MI 49085

    (269) 429-5600; StephenEShuler@yahoo.com

  • Marc Freudenburg

    Serving families Starting with FO to HA

    Address: 823 Greenwood, St. Joseph, MI 49085

    (269) 983-2408; mdfreudenburg@yahoo.com

    I have been a member of Trinity since 1982. I have enjoyed being the Head Usher. I am also part of the “Stephen Ministry Team” at Trinity. I have worked at Kelm/Acubar in Benton Harbor since 1963. Upon retirement I would like to volunteer at the hospital or do light home repair for low income individuals. I am a widower, but I am blessed with two beautiful daughters and four grandchildren ( 1 grandson and 3 granddaughters.) My hobbies include wood and metal working as well as walking, and spending time at the beach.

  • Fred Leitz

    Serving families starting with HE to KE

    Address: 5109 River Road, Sodus, MI 49126

    (269) 925-6987; leitzf57@comcast.net

    I am a third generation Trinity member. Born in 1957, graduated from Trinity in 1971. Married to Leslie in 1977. We have two grown children. I farm with my three brothers in Sodus on a fourth generation family farm. My hobbies are lobbying congress on agricultural issues and hunting.

  • Serving families starting with KI to LE

  • Mark Matzke

    Serving families beginning with NE to PO

    Address: 3314 Lincoln Ave, St Joseph, MI 49085

    (269) 429-1545; m.matzke@sbcglobal.net

    My wife, Sally and I have been members of Trinity since 1986. She is a retired kindergarten teacher. I had been in education for 41 years (25 in Lutheran schools and the last 16 at Upton Middle School in St. Joseph) but retired. I did some subbing over the last years and got back into refereeing!

    We have four grown children and eight grandchildren

    My hobbies include chasing g-children, skiing, bicycling, and hunting with our son.

  • Mike Brow

    Serving families starting with Pr to Schan

  • Howard Kahne

    Serving families starting with SCHAR to STA & STA to V (temp)

    Address: 3407 Knox, St. Joseph, MI 49085

    (269) 208-6859; howard@passarokahne.com