Parents have you set up your raise right account yet? This is the easiest way to earn FREE money toward your student's tuition, ECC childcare, lunch account and even band!! It's simple: download the raise right app (in your phone’s app store), set up your account using Trinity's code to shop the app for just about anything: gas, groceries, clothing, travel! Each gift card gives you a % back & it goes to your personal account! Raise right is better than ever, the new app gives you options of Ecards (you can literally buy on your phone, use right away, and earn a % back), reloadable cards and traditional gift cards.
“I started using raise right for simply gas, groceries, and eating out and in a year in had nearly $1,000 to apply to my children’s tuition!” You can buy just about everything through Raise Right, amazon and online retailers, big box stores, gas, groceries, coffee and we even carry local retailers that support our school directly with their gift cards. It’s money you are already spending, now each time you spend you are earning money towards tuition, you can’t loose with Raise Right!
Questions: Christy Hendrickson our RaiseRight coordinator can help you out anytime!