STEPHEN MINISTRIES Stephen Ministries Mission: Christ caring for people through people.

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-to-one Christian care to people experiencing challenges in life- such as grief, loneliness, divorce, job loss, anxiety, and many other life difficulties. God didn’t plan for you to have to carry the burdens of life by yourself! Let our Stephen Ministers walk with you!

To learn how to receive care from a Stephen Minister, or if you have an interest in becoming a Stephen Minister, or just want to know more about Stephen Ministry, contact Pastor Roth, a Stephen Leader, or the church office.

STEPHEN LEADERS: Pastor Michael J. Roth, John Kroonblawd, Sheila Kroonblawd, Betty Perrone and Jean Christensen.


Trinity is always in need of more Stephen Ministers to help share God’s love with others. We are planning on leading a Stephen Minister Training class this fall. Start praying now about whether God is leading you to serve in this Caring Ministry! If you have questions about becoming a Stephen Minister, reach out to a Leader or call the church office.

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